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Read & Think > Bad People

Following: Sandra Doorley, Monroe County DA with a Superiority Complex

  • Sandra Doorley sped home after a bad case of the Mondays.
  • She thinks she’s above the law because she’s the district attorney for Monroe County, NY.
  • She berated a nice city cop and called him an a-hole. Nope — you the a-hole, Sandra Doorley. YTA.

Sandra Doorley is THE DA for Monroe County in New York State, and she made sure the cop who followed her home for a traffic violation knew it. She even got out her badge, her literal playing her “I’m better than you” card.

The incident took place on April 22, 2024, and the cop’s body cam footage went viral. Instantly, viewers were calling for her resignation, and local government groups were signing letters to state leadership asking for an investigation. Doorley put out a flimsy attempt of an apology video on April 29, saying she just had a case of the Mondays. She gave excuses like a recent medical issue with her husband and stress at work — excuses that are regularly rejected by other drivers in traffic court. And she should know — it’s her office that prosecutes tickets! 

Note well that Doorley is a District Attorney which is an elected position, not one that you are “hired” and “fired” from. Her constituents voted her in for multiple terms. She was also initially elected with a Democratic affiliation and changed to Republican after being elected.

According to her Wikipedia page, she asked the public to judge her by “the work that I’ve done” rather than her chosen political party. Now is the perfect time for her work to be scrutinized in a thorough investigation. 

In her apology video she asks for forgiveness, but honestly, I don’t think she deserves it. I think she should have to see what it’s like to be judged, to have your apology ignored. For sure she’s been doing that to people in her community for awhile now.

As of May 26, 2024, she is still the DA.

Sandra Doorley is still District Attorney for Monroe County.
Screenshot of a basic search for "Sandra Doorley" on April 28, following bodycam footage going viral.
Screenshot of a Sandra Doorley's Twitter / X account on April 27. Earlier to this, her recent posts were flooded with messages from the public demanding her resignation and commenting on her bad behavior.
Screenshot of some comments posted to Doorley's Twitter account before it was deactivated.
Screenshot of some comments posted to Doorley's Twitter account before it was deactivated. I quite like comment telling people to call the tip line.

April 22, 2024

Doorley is followed by a city police officer who clocked her driving 55 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone, 20 miles over the speed limit. While driving, Doorley calls the police chief telling him to relay to the officer that she’s the DA and that he needs to stop. At Doorley’s home, she changes her story frequently, saying first that she didn’t hear or see the lights and sirens and quickly changes to that she thought the cop who was directly behind her was attempting to pull someone else over. On the video she is belligerent toward the cop and calls him an “a$$hole,” to which he asks why she’s being so mean to him for just doing his job. 

Immediately after getting out of her SUV in her garage, she runs into the house. Is she carrying something? Did she bring something inside? Her hands are empty when she returns, and she refuses to comply with the officer’s request to go outside the garage while he questions her. Redditors were quick to suggest she was drunk rather than just flustered, and that she brought a big ‘ole bottle of juice into the house so the cop wouldn’t find it if her vehicle were searched.

This story reeks of her expected privilege: she has the phone number for the police chief, she can just wave away citations, she believes she can decide to just not stop for a cop, she can run into her house and not listen to a cop’s orders. If you or I were in this situation, for sure we would have had our hands behind our backs and in cuffs by the time the cop started asking questions. Put this situation in a moderate- or low-income neighborhood and the driver would have been on the ground and possibly tased. People have done less and had knees on their necks, if you know what I mean. Wanna see privilege — watch the Doorley bodycam footage.

Screenshot of Doorley showing off her badge in her home garage to prove to the cop she berated and called an "a$$hole." She felt the need to prove to the cop that she's the District Attorney. But, like the cop says, even DAs aren't allowed to speed and flee the police.

April 29, 2024

Doorley publishes an apology video where she talks about how she supports cops and that she had a rough day at work. I want to hope that the general public is trained enough from movies and television to see that this was produced by a public relations specialist — even down to the crack in her voice when she talks about her husband’s recent medical news. She wears a simple black top and her face is free of makeup in the video, all curated to give the impression that she’s just a regular lady who had a bad day and acted badly. This video is proof of a narcissistic person trying to cover up an issue, thinking that viewers are too stupid to see through the lies.

She starts the video by saying “I failed you and the standards that I hold myself to,” and I think she gets her pronouns confused. What she meant to say is “the standards that I hold YOU to.” 

She asks for forgiveness, but honestly, I don’t think she deserves it. I think she should have to see what it’s like to be judged, to have your apology ignored. For sure she’s been doing that to people in her community for awhile now.

April 30, 2024

News10NBC posted an interview reporter Jennifer Lewke had with Doorley. I don’t believe anything that comes out of the mouth of an experienced prosecutor, so let’s just take a look at some of the comments left on the video.

Screenshot of Doorley during the interview, overly expressing herself with doe-in-the-headlights wide eyes.

May 2, 2024

Webster town board met for a public town hall. One speaker brought up that a sobriety test should have been administered, but wasn’t. “The public will never know if Sandra Doorley was under the influence or otherwise impaired that evening,” she said at the meeting.

May 26, 2024

Justice only moves swiftly when you’re poor. Nothing new has been announced about this situation. She’s still the DA.

Her twitter / X account has been restored. Those without X accounts will see posts about police officers (to show how much she “supports” them) and a snapshot of her and her husband hanging at the beach in 2020. Sign in and you’ll see posts with pious tone and many thanks to @RochesterNYPD for all their help. THat, and a whole lotta vox pox comments about resigning and entitlement. 

Screenshot of Doorley's now-restored X page.
Screenshot of Doorley's now-restored X page. Conviction of a person who killed a police officer posted on October 13, 2023, is one of the top posts pinned to the top of her X page.
Screenshot of Doorley's now-restored X page. Photo of Doorley and her husband celebrating their anniversary at the beach during 2020 (musta gone to Florida to avoid Covid restrictions...right?) is one of the top posts on her X page.
Screenshot of Doorley's now-restored X page. Memorial of a fallen police officer, who passed Septemer 3, 2014, that was posted on September 3, 2021, 2023, is one of the top posts pinned to the top of her X page.
Screenshot of a post from June 7, 2024, on Doorley's X page, along with my own lttle comment.

This isn’t over yet. I hope justice prevails, and not just privileged justice. Have an update or tip about Sandra Dooley? I’d love to hear!

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