Companies Need Writers, and Everyone Needs an Editor!

Let me help bring your projects to life.

I’m an experienced writer and editor with over 20 years in the educational publishing field. My work has been published globally in materials and courses available from Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Scholastic, Pearson, National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, McGraw Hill, Houghton Mifflin, and many others.

Corporate & Business

  • Write marketing materials
  • Create content for websites and newsletters
  • Design and layout materials and advertisements

Self-Published Authors

  • Edit fiction and non-fiction
  • Ghostwrite based on your outline
  • Design and layout text and art
  • Design book covers
  • Create print-ready files for book interior pages and cover
  • Record and edit audio for audiobooks
  • Create content for your website, blog, or newsletter

Educational Publishers

  • Student books and workbooks
  • Teachers’ guides, teachers’ manuals
  • Black-line masters and photocopiables
  • Games and activities 
  • Audio recording and editing
  • Attend audio recording sessions
  • Independent third-party correlations to state, national CCSS, and specialized standards 
  • Americanizing courses
  • Updating materials for new editions